Tuesday, September 25, 2012

David Reid and Cmdr Wang on Podside Tonight!

Tonight on Podside we are join by none other then 

CCP's David Reid and Cmdr Wang to talk about DUST514.

Show starts at 10pm CT the 25th(GMT is 0300 the 26th. Guest time may vary)

Tune in to the live Stream at s8.multiplexgaming.com

And interact with us in real time on IRC at Dust514.org/Chat

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


MISSION STATEMENT:DUST UniCon or DUST514 Universal Conference is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, DUST 514 and its related topics and community as a whole. Our goal is to help in bettering DUST 514 as a game from a player’s level and to aid in establishing the longevity of DUST 514 within the EVE Universe.